07 June 2007

Town Cryer: Advertisements

Pit Fights
Come all to the Black Pit Settlement to witness the great spectacle of fighters arrayed for your enjoyment!
Tickets on sale behind the alley of the Red Dog tavern.
Fun for all! Bring the wife and kids!
Staring Contest!
One Eyed Ibn of Araby invites any and all to a contest of bravery and fortitude to be held next week at noon in Cutthroat Haven. Ibn also sells interesting and strange wares from exotic places.
Halfling Bar Maid for Hire
Expert at cooking, cleaning and "other" talents. BEER A SPECIALTY. Also good with a bow.
- Mandy Goodfellow of the Buckwine Forest at the Red Wolf Pub, Brigandsburg.
Surgeon Opens up Shop
Did you smash your finger while using a hammer? Did wood enter your epidermis while climbing? Is your eye gauged by some unfortunate accident? I will make you feel better! You can call me Doktorrus Hackensaw. You can find me in Sigmarhaven, next to the shrine of Sigmar.

Rules/Game mechanics:
From now on the settlements can be reached as can be seen on the Mordheim map. In the past I told everybody that the outside of Mordheim looks different than the map shows; no more! Another special rule for the settlements is that when you enter it in peace mode, you cannot be attacked by another warband. They can however refrain you from executing actions (you are hiding from them).

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