19 April 2007

Town Cryer excerpt: Local eccentric finds employment

(From an old issue of the Town Cryer, dated some weeks ago:)
Most Mordheim residents will remember the lone shepherd Roelof van 't Schaep often encountered in the moors to the southwest of our once fair city. This strange man, recognizable by his scraggly beard and accompanied by one or more sheep and a penetrating body odour was usually avoided by most decent travelers. Since last week, however, Van 't Schaep has become a part of the witch hunting group of the brothers Grimm that has made its way into our city to cleanse the evil from its streets. We were able to exchange a few words with the shepherd-turned-zealot while his band was resting after a skirmish in Executioner's Square (see elsewhere in this paper). "These people have changed my life," claims Van 't Schaep, "they introduced me to new concepts such as devotion to Sigmar, bathing and shaving." This is indeed illustrated by the fact that Roelof is now without his former beard and actually smells better than the sheep which is still a constant companion. "When I saw these folks in the woods I just thought I'd wander up to them and babble incoherently 'till they'd give me food, like I always did. But when I got closer, I saw they were busy burying a big dog. Later they told me this doggie had been chopped up by some nasty midgets on a bridge. Since I really love animals, and they had lots of other doggies, I decided to help them. Father Arnold gave me a firm sermon about our great Lord Sigmar and that's when I saw the light and joined them for real. Luckily they allowed me to bring my favourite sheep along with me." At this, Van 't Schaep goes into a long monologue on the merits of his sheep which is not suitable for publication. "Anyway," he concludes, "I thought the brothers Grimm only wanted me as a bodyguard, but when I got a piece of wyrdstone for 'em and had this vision from Sigmar that showed me that secret passage, they immediately promoted me. Now I'm in charge of the inventory and supplies for the whole warband. Like this cheese for example...". Some folks may miss the rustic charm shepherd Van 't Schaep brought to the southwestern moors, but we can all be heartened by the fact that he is now putting himself to good use for the Templars of Sigmar.

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